Sell Your Seoul Meet The Hosts_Ray

Hi there, my name is Ray Noriega. I'm from Lake Elsinore, California, I'm 25 years old, and I can easily say I'm a Korea Fan.

Growing up I've always heard stories from family members of Korea. My grandfather served in the Korean War and most recently one of my uncles served in Busan. So I've always had a sort of fascination of its people and culture. But it wasn't until recently I found myself surrounded by all things Korea. It took a group of musicians to lure me into what Korea really has to offer.
Now, I find myself learning the language, watching the television programs *via youtube of course*, singing the music, and even turning friends and relatives onto what I like. So when I saw an ad on facebook about winning a trip to Seoul, Korea I thought "Wow! This could be a way to visit a country I adore, and get a hands on feel of what its like to live in one of the greatest city's and countries in the world!

I submitted my reason on why I would like to "Sell My Seoul" and waited...hoping I could make a dream come true. AND IT DID!! Now that I've found out I'm going, I'm looking forward to seeing all what Korea has to offer. It's food, its stores, its temples, its history...but most importantly its people.

My goal for this trip is to not just come away with an understanding of how Koreans in Seoul live a day by day, but to also make a few life long friends in the process. Then when and if they visit Southern California, I can return the favor by showing them what American has to offer. I'm looking forward to documenting everything I do in Seoul, and convincing others that its a city worth visiting and loving. See you soon!!

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