Sell Your Seoul Trip 5 - Day 3

Sell Your Seoul Trip 5 - Day 3

Our first stop was a cultural experience in progress – the Dongdaemun Design Plaza & Park that is currently being built on the grounds of an old statium with the goal of being one of the worlds largest fashion centers. It was stated to be finsished already for the world design fair being held while we were visiting, but the ETA has been pushed to 2011. Sadface.

*see Dongdaemun Design Plaza & Park video
Dave and I almost got lost but thanks to the hospitality of the locals in Seoul we got right back on track to meet the rest of the crew.
We went to the mall in the Dongdaemun Market where Crystal bought pretty much everything except for the extra luggage she would need to haul it back home. The only thing I picked up at the mall was food, which followed the trend so far of being better than what we have in the US, and that's not just American-mall-food standards.

We went to Unhyeongung which was formerly the residence of Prince Regent Daewon-gun, ruler of Korea during the Joseon Dynasty in the 19th century. Dave and I got to parade in full royal attire and waved to all of our patrons (or other tourists depending on one's perspective). I wish at work I would have someone to carry me on my mobole cubicle chair but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

*see Unhyeongung video

Then we all watched Korean-pop until we died:
This was a rediculous experience that got me pumped like a boy-band-love struck 16-year old girl whose only Christmas wish was a sweaty discarded garment from her favorite band member. DID WE GET TO TOUCH THE LEAD SINGER?! Yes.
That was an exhausting day its only day 3, but we're all still excited for the rest of this week which is already going by too fast. See you all soon.

*see Hongdae video

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