Sell Your Seoul Trip 3 - Day 2 - Temple Stay at Hwagyesa (Part 2)

I'm not good at sitting in one place for an extended period of time, especially not sitting and being quiet; I'm kind of a loud guy. Uh oh, this could be difficult.

After he teaches me the correct way to meditate, crossed legs, hands cupped, back straight...I take a seat in the quiet meditation room. I'm about as flexible as a 2x4 and was in pain immediately, only 45 minutes to go.

Meditating isn't just about sitting and starring at a wall; you're supposed to search within yourself and answer difficult questions. Here's the brain buster that was posed to me by the master.

"A student asked venerable Master Yun-Men; Not even a thought has arisen, is there still a sin or not? Master said; Mount Sumeru!

When Thought arises, sin also arises. If no thought arises, there should be no kind of sin or error. But why did the Master say that sin, error, is as big as Mount Sumeru?"

Hmmmm, I have no freaking idea! The only thoughts arising in my head were "This really hurts, when is break? "Where is Mount Sumeru anyway? And, "Would anyone would notice if I fart?"

After the longest 45 minutes of my life I was finally set free by the loud clapping of the Master's bamboo stick. I could barely free my legs, they were stuck in position and I whimpered like a wounded dog as I slowly pulled them apart.

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