Sell Your Seoul Trip 3 - Day 7 - More Traditional Martial Art (Taekgyen) Practice, Insadong - Part 1

After dinner it was time for more Taekgyen. This time I was invited into their warm practice facility. This was a good thing since I still couldn't feel my toes from the earlier session.

They suited me up in a traditional Hanbok and quickly began to kick my butt. It's almost impossible for me to be aggressive with a human so it was a little uncomfortable when it was time for sparing.

"Kick! Kick him hard!"

I resorted to my only weapon, humor, and instead decided to have a hug of war with my partner. He turned out to be a pretty good hugger, so we called it a draw.

Although I'm a lover not a fighter I really enjoyed learning Taekgyen. They may be complete ass kicking machines but were super gentle and sweet human beings when they weren't kicking me to the ground

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